December 9, 2024
December 9, 2024

Adderall Addiction Recovery Support

Table of Contents

If you or someone close to you is struggling with Adderall addiction, finding the right type of Adderall addiction recovery treatment can be difficult. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to addiction treatment, which is why it’s important to find the right types of resources for your circumstances and where you are in your recovery.

Adderall Addiction Recovery Options

Your Adderall addiction recovery options can be divided into two categories: initial care and ongoing support.

The initial care is what you use to help get over the physical addiction and to start getting over the mental health aspects of addiction. The ongoing support is there to keep you moving forward and to lift you up when you fall, giving you more flexible support how and when you need it. 

Addiction Recovery

After you have gone through the detox process, it’s time to start the rest of your treatment plan, which includes inpatient or outpatient levels of care.

There are several levels of care available for Adderall addiction recovery, starting with inpatient or residential. An inpatient or residential program is where you remain under supervision full-time, and you reside at your treatment center.

If you would like to reside at home and have a stable enough home environment to do so, you can find several levels of outpatient care, including partial hospitalization programs and intensive outpatient programs. These last several weeks have been comprised of part-time or full-time schedules, including individual and group therapy as well as holistic care.

Once you transition through your inpatient or outpatient level of care, the real work of long-term recovery begins, and this is where it’s most important to find ongoing support. 

Ongoing Support

When most people participate in the initial care for Adderall addiction recovery, the programs end after a couple of weeks or a few months.

However, addiction is a chronic condition, which means that you will face challenges managing your symptoms and your overall well-being for the rest of your life.

That’s why it is so important to have ongoing support outside of the traditional realms of individual and group therapy. 

For many, virtual options for ongoing support like life skills can be a great investment immediately after inpatient and outpatient care because it provides an opportunity to build skills that help you rebuild your life or build a new one. 

For others who might be several months or years into their recovery, ongoing support that involves the family can be useful in rebuilding relationships.

For those who have stumbled no matter how far they are in their recovery, virtual addiction recovery coaching and virtual substance abuse treatment can provide coaching and support on a regular basis, with flexible scheduling for things like 15-minute video chats or phone calls 3 days a week with a one-hour session one day per week. You can find customized Adderall addiction recovery support for long-term success when and how you need it.

Finding Alternative Adderall Addiction Recovery Support

With Aligned Living, we offer addiction recovery coaching in the form of continuing care. Where most Adderall rehab programs end, ours begins. With a comprehensive assortment of coaching, drug testing services, and life skills training, we provide aftercare regardless of where you are in your recovery journey.

We know that a one-size-fits-all program is insufficient for long-term Adderall addiction recovery, and that’s why we tailor our approach to you. You get to craft a plan that’s based on your needs and goals in recovery, a program that acknowledges where you are and where you want to be with the flexibility you need to progress at your pace and control the duration of your sessions based on need at any given point in recovery. 

With Aligned Living, you can get help with accountability and build confidence in your Adderall addiction recovery.