Virtual Addiction Recovery and Mental Health Aftercare Program

Virtual Recovery Coaching

We offer comprehensive virtual care services, providing convenient and personalized support for mental health, substance abuse, and overall well-being.

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Medical Reviewer:

Jennifer Tarzia, MA

The right treatment for you

Virtual Recovery Coaching and More at Aligned Living

At Aligned Living, we understand that the journey to recovery and well-being doesn’t end when you complete a traditional rehab program. That’s why we offer a unique virtual continuing care program designed to support and guide clients at any stage of their wellness and recovery journey. Whether you’ve recently completed rehab or are seeking additional help to maintain your sobriety or progressing in your mental health journey, our virtual continuing care program is here to help you navigate the challenges of life, whether they are addiction or mental health specific.

Find freedom today

Virtual Continuing Care for
Lasting Recovery

At Aligned Living, our recovery program is virtual, allowing you to access the recovery support you need from the comfort of your own home. We provide a safe and non-judgmental space where you can connect with others who understand your struggles. At Aligned Living, we believe in a holistic approach to recovery, addressing not only the symptoms of addiction but also the underlying issues that contribute to it.

The Aligned Living Virtual Care Program offers a transparent and personalized approach to addiction recovery. Participants receive precise and clear information about the services they will receive for a monthly fee, ensuring transparency and trust. The program is highly accessible as all care is provided virtually, accommodating clients from various locations. Unlike one-size-fits-all programs, Aligned Living tailors its approach to each individual, crafting a customized Alignment Plan based on their goals and needs. The program acknowledges that recovery is a journey, not a destination, and supports the individual and the entire family system. Aligned Living emphasizes flexibility, allowing participants to progress at their own pace and determine the duration of their engagement based on personal growth and inspiration, the program provides transparent reporting on outcomes, fostering accountability and confidence in the recovery process.

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Personalized Care

Life Skills Training and Virtual Recovery Coaching

One of the key components of our virtual continuing care program is our focus on life skills training and addiction and mental health recovery coaching. We recognize that the recovery process and holistic wellness is not just about abstaining from drugs or alcohol; or taking your medication; it’s about building a fulfilling and purposeful life. The experienced Aligned Living Advisors at our virtual recovery coaching program will work with you one-on-one to develop essential life skills that empower you to make positive choices and navigate life’s challenges without substance misuse and progressively declining mental health symptoms. 

Through personalized coaching sessions, you’ll gain practical skills and strategies to cope with stress, manage emotions, build healthy relationships, and set achievable goals for yourself. Our Aligned Living Advisors will support you in identifying your strengths and areas for growth, helping you build confidence and resilience as you embrace a life in recovery.

More About Our Unique Services

Design the Care That’s Right for You with Aligned Living.

the benefits

What Are the Benefits of Virtual Recovery Coaching and Care?

Virtual care in recovery offers several significant benefits that can make a substantial difference in the lives of clients seeking support and guidance during their journey to sobriety.

Accessibility and Convenience

Virtual care eliminates geographical barriers, allowing clients to access support from anywhere with an internet connection. This accessibility is particularly beneficial for those living in remote areas or clients with limited mobility.

Virtual care programs often offer flexible scheduling options, accommodating clients with busy lifestyles, work commitments, or family responsibilities. This flexibility ensures that participants can receive the support they need without disrupting their daily routines significantly.

Virtual treatment provides a high level of privacy and confidentiality. Participants can attend sessions from the comfort of their homes, ensuring a discreet and confidential environment. This privacy can encourage clients who might feel hesitant about seeking in-person treatment.

Being in a familiar environment can create a sense of comfort and safety for clients in recovery. Virtual treatment allows participants to engage in therapy and support groups without the potential anxiety or stress associated with traveling to a physical location.

Virtual treatment can be more cost-effective than in-person services. Not only is our monthly fee more affordable than traditional primary treatment options, but clients also save on the cost of transportation and gas.

Virtual treatment programs can provide consistent, ongoing support and accountability. Regular virtual sessions with our Aligned Living Advisors can help clients stay on track with their recovery goals and provide a sense of structure to their lives.

Why Choose Us?

The Aligned Living Difference

Our approach to supporting your wellness and recovery is grounded in collaboration, transparency, authenticity, and a genuine desire to see you succeed. We believe in empowering you to transform chaos into clarity, providing you with the tools and support you need to create a future free from the constraints of addiction and mental health challenges. We understand that well-being and recovery is a deeply personal journey, and our virtual continuing care program is tailored to meet your individual needs and goals.

Regardless of where you are in your recovery journey, our virtual recovery coaching is designed to help you thrive. We don’t believe in hype or polished promises but rather in real, meaningful change. Our straightforward approach, custom tailored design, and commitment to your well-being set us apart, making Aligned Living the ideal choice for virtual continuing care.

What to Expect

How Our Virtual Care Works

Our virtual coaching services can help those looking for continued support in managing mental health conditions and addiction recovery. Our unique model draws from a combination of therapeutic practices like motivational interviewing, acceptance and commitment therapy, and internal family systems therapy. 

After going through an onboarding process with our concierge, you’ll work with your personal advisor to craft an individualized Alignment Plan based on your personal goals. Once your plan has been established, you can start making strides toward achieving your objectives. You’ll meet with your advisor each week to assess your progress and adjust your plan if needed.

At Aligned Living, you’re in the driver’s seat–we can update your plan to best meet your needs and goals as they evolve. We’ll give you the freedom to decide which accountability tools and resources work best for you and who is a part of your recovery team. You can count on our team to support you, encourage your personal growth, and hold you accountable so that you can achieve your goals.

Why Choose Us?

We Offer Virtual Recovery Coaching and Care For Everyone, Regardless of Their Stage in Recovery

Our rehab aftercare program is not limited to clients who have recently completed a primary mental health and/or addiction treatment program. While our virtual continuing care is commonly referred to as aftercare, we emphasize that it can be helpful for anyone, regardless of where they are in their wellness and recovery journey. Whether you’re taking your first steps toward sobriety, addressing mental health challenges, or have been in recovery for years, our program can provide valuable support and guidance tailored to your unique needs.

We are here to help you no matter what

From Chaos to Clarity: Your Journey With Aligned Living

If you’re ready to embrace a life of clarity and purpose, our virtual mental health and recovery coaching program is here to support you every step of the way. Our mental health and addiction recovery coaching program offers a real, practical, and empowering approach to wellness and recovery. No matter where you are, we are dedicated to helping you navigate the challenges of life after addiction, after treatment, providing you with the tools and skills you need to achieve lasting sobriety.

Join us at Aligned Living, where your journey from chaos to clarity begins. Reach out today, and let’s walk this path together toward a brighter, healthier, and more fulfilling future.