Jennifer Tarzia, MA

Managing Partner

Jennifer Tarzia, MA

Managing Partner 

Jennifer grew up among cedars, oaks, and pines in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains. At a young age, Jennifer discovered her gift for helping individuals and families navigate the mental illness, substance abuse, or crises of their loved ones. Prior to founding Doyen Consulting Group, Jennifer obtained her B.A. in Psychology as well as her master’s in counseling psychology. Jennifer’s formal education compliments her fifteen plus years’ experience working in treatment environments that specialize in chronic mental illness, substance use and disordered eating. Jennifer is known for her ability to facilitate and motivate her clients toward a path of personal clarity and positive change. Jennifer’s ability to define appropriate levels of care, as well as therapeutic placement at that level of care, makes her an expert in the industry. 

Jennifer feels she is lucky to be able to bring her passion for soulful leadership practices from her personal life into the company. It is her belief that all humans should be offered the resources to heal, to be heard, and to be seen through the lens of their highest potential.

We are here to help you no matter what

Recovery That Lasts Forever.

Get in touch with Aligned Living today to learn more about our addiction recovery aftercare program that will provide you with a solid foundation for long-term healing.